Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Nicholas White Poster Session 3: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm /443

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I am a second year student at FSU and I am a Cellular Microbiology and Neuroscience major. I enjoy to learn about new medicine and learning about how people think. In my free time I enjoy working out and playing lacrosse. I have loved working on this project to learn how people people and AI interact together and how AI can be used to help people.

Career readiness and the wellbeing for college students with disabilities in the era of artificial intelligence ​

Authors: Nicholas White, Shengli Dong
Student Major: Cellular Microbiology and Neuroscience
Mentor: Shengli Dong
Mentor's Department: Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems
Mentor's College: College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences


This scoping review aims to investigate challenges faced by college students with disabilities during postsecondary education and their job market transition, especially under the era of artificial intelligence. The scoping specifically examines how artificial intelligence (AI) impacts their academic success, social interactions, and workforce entry. AI applications, including tailored learning materials and job matching platforms, are highlighted (Martiniello, 2020). However, barriers such as misinterpretation and potential exclusion of candidates with diverse workplace needs emerge in the literature (Trewin, 2018). The study stresses the significance of a comprehensive review to understand nuanced needs, evaluate interventions, and guide future research and practice, emphasizing a balanced consideration of AI's potential in supporting college students with disabilities.

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Keywords: AI, Disabilities, College, Students, Work