Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Zachary Syska Poster Session 2: 10:45 am - 11:45 am/110



My name is Zachary Syska, I am a 2nd year studying Health Management, Information and Policy within the Interdisciplinary Medical Science program. I am from Fort Myers, FL and have aspirations of going into a healthcare profession. Specifically, I would like to go to D.O. school and become an emergency medicine physician. I am currently in the Medical Response Unit as a trainee and am involved with Dance Marathon, SGA, and am in a social fraternity: Kappa Sigma. I also work as a part-time chiropractic assistant at an alternative medicine clinic.

Intersectionality Between Workplace Accommodations and Aging

Authors: Zachary Syska, Dr. Shengli Dong
Student Major: Interdisciplinary Medical Science: Health Management, Information and Policy
Mentor: Dr. Shengli Dong
Mentor's Department: Educational Psychology and Learning Systems
Mentor's College: College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
Co-Presenters: Yvette Obediente


This scoping review is investigating the intersectionality between aging workers and workplace accommodations. This review specifically focused on exploring articles written over the past 33 years on four databases. These databases include: Ageline, Scopus, Science Direct, and Social Science Premium collection. The scoping review was conducted on the platform Zotero for easy article access and organization. All duplicated articles were first removed then the articles went through a multiple step screening process; the initial screening included an examination of the title and abstract. Decisions whether or not that article will be included were then made between multiple researchers with specific criteria. Articles were chosen based on the age range, which was individuals older than 50, and whether they specifically related to the research questions. Following the initial review, a secondary examination was conducted and decisions regarding inclusion and exclusion criteria were decided based on the articles entirety. This study is investigating what types of accommodations are being requested as well as different interventions being implemented.

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Keywords: Aging, Disability, Accommodations